Testimonials - Sessions
“I feel more than blessed to have been able to work with Susan using SRT Therapy. I am a psychotherapist by profession and wanted to grow emotionally and spiritually. A colleague initially referred me to Susan. Working with Susan has been one of the most powerful and valuable experiences in my life. So much growth and insight has been generated as a result of our sessions. Her words and wisdom are truly healing and she brings warmth, non-judgmental acceptance and complete sincerity and dedication to her work. Many, many thanks!”
Sue B. Ph.D.,Cresskill, NJ
“I have known Susan Carollo for over 10 years and she has made a huge difference in my life. Susan Carollo has helped me stay on a positive spiritual path with her SRT, Angel readings and hands on healing. Whenever I felt out of balance or not totally grounded I would reach out to Susan and she always took time out of her busy schedule to connect with me and help me get back on track. I believe that Susan Carollo is a living Angel here on earth and anyone who crosses paths with her is blessed.”
Susan S., Ringwood, NJ
“How do I find words to describe something like Susan’s work, which has changed me at my most fundamental level of being? Stupendous, life altering, mind-blowing, soul shifting, a godsend, a blessing beyond measure…no words seems to do it justice. From the moment the session begins, you can sense that Susan has focused the depths of her entire being on your Soul, all for the benefit of its growth and well being. Her compassion and caring are icing on the most delicious cake you will ever experience…I definitely want another slice!”
Koz K., Chicago, IL - Soul Coach
"Susan Carollo is a phenomenal woman and an extraordinary healer and teacher. She is a modern day 'Medicine Woman'. I work with some of the top doctors and therapists around the world and the second I met her I knew she was one of them. She uses an incredibly valuable tool in Energy Medicine called SRT, Spiritual Response Therapy. Her work is precise and life changing. It brings about harmony and balance that continues to expand throughout life.”
Faith G., Washington, DC Body Engineer and Shaman
“What I can and will say is that Susan is amazing at what she does. She's "out of this world"!”
Dr. Fred B, author of The Love Book: Simple Truths
"My session with you has impacted me beyond words! I feel like I take in a little more into my mind daily and just like peeling an onion, more and more of my lifetime, especially with regard to relationships makes sense. Everything feels so much clearer now... I feel like the internal conflict has been lifted... I truly know what I want in a relationship and will not accept less!! Thank you so much for sharing your gift with me!!!"
Kate M., Arizona
“I wanted to thank you for our session last night. I haven't felt this excited in a long time, like a whole world of pain and sadness has been lifted off my heart and replaced by love. I am just so amazed at how I am not even able to feel any of those same hurtful and self sabotaging feelings, even if I try ! They're just not there and all I feel is nurturing love, compassion and hope. If I find myself wanting to cry, it's because of how thankful I feel ... I just can't thank you enough for bringing me there in such a loving and safe way. I have had extremely disappointing and even traumatizing experiences with this kind of thing through other "energetic healers" and such, where I was left feeling like I had been taken advantage of, judged and/or left to fend for myself with all of my unanswered questions. My experience with you was nothing short of freeing.”
Renee S., Montreal Quebec
“Susan Carollo has been a God sent angel to me. I had been referred to her a few years ago during a time when things were quite difficult for me and where I had had some poor experiences with people who had told me how spiritually based they were. Susan and I talked at length and then I began seeing her for SRT sessions and I guess one could say counseling as well, typically on a monthly basis. And as any type of spiritual work goes, Susan and I have gotten to know one another. However, probably the most wonderful piece is how open-minded Susan is. She gives with all she has and it shows that she loves what she is doing. She is authentic and truly cares about her clients. She has been a true angel in my life as well as a good friend. I am so happy for the work she is doing.”
Bonnie R., Morris County, NJ
“I was led to work with Susan during one of the most difficult times in my life. I was searching for answers – something to help me understand what was happening and why at a higher, spiritual level. In our two sessions, we were able to identify blocks, programs and patterns embedded at a deep level – and then remove and clear them. This has had a significant impact on my life. In the months following our sessions I have seen and felt the change. Often times when there’s a difference in the way I react to events and people or when I open up to receive more blessings, I can trace it back to an insight or learning from a session with Susan. Today I’m filled with a sense of confidence and serenity that was missing in my life. For me, the sessions with Susan were a powerful agent of change and transformation. Susan is a very warm, kind and understanding person and her work/therapy is of profound importance. Few of us know and realize how powerful the baggage of past lives is, and just how beneficial clearing these limiting beliefs can be. I’m grateful to Susan for being part of my spiritual journey.”
Arun S., India
“What Susan is able to do is truly phenomenal. To orchestrate the assistance of the committee in unloading what is no longer needed and no longer serves is a God-given gift, which I have been lucky enough to receive. Even though I can't see it, hear it, or feel it – Susan has a special way that creates comfort, assurance and total trust that I'm being healed on levels that I couldn’t even understand. I get validation and understanding for what I've been feeling or going through. Susan is always supportive and never ever judgmental, Susan always accents the positive, and she is just the best. Hopefully someday I will meet Susan face to face so I can hug the stuffin out of her. Thank you for the work you do. You are a gift.”
Nancy A., Stamford, CT
“My session with Susan was quite an eye-opening experience. To say I was humbled, surprised, and delighted falls short of the deep impact it had on my soul. I felt profound gratitude for the honor of working with Susan because my soul's wisdom knew that there were probably only a small handful of practitioners who had the skill, intuition, compassion, and direct connection that Susan does. Her ability to identify with laser accuracy where the emotional/karmic blocks are, and her deftness and wisdom in releasing, healing, and coming to completion with other obstacles is truly impressive. I felt so much being released during the session, it actually felt like spiritual "weights" were being lifted, and any burden I carried with me began to be released. I have since referred many friends, at least 5 of which have had one or more sessions already, and each has had the same deep impact and profound gratitude for Susan's unique spiritual service. Thank you for doing what you do Susan, and for doing it so tirelessly. You are truly a Divine servant, attending to the suffering of humanity, and aiding it tremendously!”
Miguel M., Sedona, AZ - Well-Being Coach/Tour Guide/Writer
“ I had never heard of SRT until I heard about Susan and was immediately intrigued and called. Through SRT Susan has helped me navigate the hardest times of my life. The past two years have been without a doubt the greatest change years I've ever lived and I know that I would not have been able to move through them as successfully as I have without SRT. Through our sessions Ihave been able to understand and release the intensity of conflicts and fears that I was feeling; I have also been able to gain a deeper understanding of what has been behind some of my strongest and often unexplainable intuitive calls. “
Morella D., EdM , MA Health Counseling & Wellness Consulting
“I have had the good fortune of working with Susan on three occasions. I don't know where to begin! The experience is like being at a spiritual spa. You simply sit back, relax and listen to the journey she takes you on. I feel a lot of energy and sensation in my physical body and during these sessions I experience a tremendous amount of clearing. The results in my life continue to amaze me. We cleared my karma with my parents, and I no longer get triggered by them. Circumstances that would normally set me off, magically all I feel is compassion. Once that happened, I quickly booked to clear my children, my siblings and all other significant people in my life. My interactions with them are so easy, loving - so clear! Yesterday I went to visit a woman who reads auras. During the reading she stopped and said, "That's weird. You don't have anything to clear with your parents or siblings. I never get to say that." If you are thinking about a session....just do it!”
Angela D., Grand Praire AB, Canada
“Wow Susan,
Where do I begin? I am changed completely! Thank you so much for sharing your gift! I have read from the angels that there is much we still do not understand, but you gave me a little glimpse into what it is that is still 'not understood'! WOW! The release is fantastic. The feeling is awesome and the well of joy that is bubbling up is beautiful to experience. I have to say I was taken aback somewhat with what was identified, but wow, the results are liberating in the truest sense of the word. The blocks I suspected were there (I guess the real me knew) are gone! Thank you a gazillion times over...”
Gary S., New Jersey
“You saw me last Saturday at your house, I have to say the session was really powerful! I had the most beautiful dreams and next day I felt the best day ever!"
Catia S., Sao Paulo, Brazil
“It is such great work. I feel a radical difference after the session--more positive in mood and outlook, increased mental and emotional openness and a sense of physical well-being and relaxation. I also have very good concentration.”
Louise B., Atlanta, GA
“Working with Susan has helped me to get to the bottom of several deep-rooted patterns. As these patterns have shifted, I have been able to move more fully toward my true-life destiny! I believe it would have taken me much longer to accomplish the same changes without Susan's amazing facilitation. She brings warmth, love, compassion and humor to all of her sessions. She is a powerful and gifted light worker and I am grateful to have her in my life! I would highly recommend Susan to anyone looking to shift patterns and change their life.”
Carol M., Portland, ME - CM/Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner,
“Susan Carollo is a beautiful, caring spiritual being. Susan freely shares her thoughts on spirituality and is a willing guide to those who desire to learn. Her inner being is a gift for one and all. May the angels always walk beside her and bless her.”
Linda M., Boonton Township, NJ
“Susan Carollo is a gem and her work is refreshingly uncomplicated and penetrating. I felt lifetimes of weight leave with each session. Issues melt and are released effortlessly. I recommend Susan Carollo wholeheartedly to anyone who would enjoy a breath of fresh air and wants a true change in any area. Besides, it's a lot of fun.”
Karen G., Sedona, AZ - Author of The Angel Book, a Handbook for Aspiring Angels, Angel Voices and Angel Encounters
“Peace...Peace...Peace....is in my heart... I am still feeling inside and adjusting with the lightness of my spirit...Truly feel like I am in a different world and such clarity...amazing..... What a session you did yesterday, I am truly blessed by you.... thank you.....”
Kim C., Wyoming, NY
“Susan, what a blessing you are in my life. This whole day I felt like I was walking on air. I'm happy all the time anyway - but this just felt like a door had been opened and I just floated through. Thank you for the work you do - I want you to know how much I appreciate your gift.”
Cheryl C., Littleton, CO
“Thank you again for the session. I already feel myself being more outgoing than before, which is interesting. I have a career session and signed up for a job search coaching group….”
Anisa K., New York, NY
“The day before you did the clearance I was already in hospital with severe asthma and pneumonia. A CT scan of my chest showing a dense area in my right upper lung that had resisted all previous treatment. I've been on IV antibiotics for only a couple of days, not enough to clear anything but had to wait until this morning to do a bronchoscopy as yesterday was a holiday here in HK. The consultant had just been in to see me and he can't believe what he found... absolutely nothing... whatever was showing has now completely resolved.... It's just unbelievable... he's never seen anything like it before and in fact it's nothing short of a miracle!”
(Name Withheld)
“Just downloaded my last session of three over the past 2 years.. Sending you thanks for taking the "TOMAHAWK" out of my shoulder and releasing the be-heading pain at the lower occiptial area..how nice to be able to rotate my head and use right arm..my scuba lessons are now working out just fine..When my chiropractor said "I have no idea what else to do", and I don't heal within a day or two I know it's past life. Sending you hugs and another "Thank you"..
Lisa Marie M,, Nutley, NJ
"I just wanted to check in with you and let you know I have felt a real change in my attitude towards food. I don't feel anxious or feel a need to continue to eat past when I am satiated. I feel much more satisfied and un-bothered by the burden of eating (too much or not enough to satisfy myself). It seems to work in layers for me..day by day it get lighter and lighter. Thank you again for your help :) You are such a blessing and I am thankful to have you in my life.”
Tracy M, Manchester, NH
““After the session, my right arm straightened out, my chest has not been painful, and I am able to move my right arm much better, without any restraint and pain that there was before the session. My right arm and chest have been of less use, after a mastectomy, but now…it does not feel tight anymore. This I noticed the same day….. the way I feel now, is so much different, and I am just continuously reveling in that great and awesome feeling. I therefore forget any other changes, as I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO gratefull. Many thanks and many blessings!!!"
Bernadette B., Geneva, NY
"DeeDee is a changed doggie! She has played well with other dogs ever since our session--it has been a radical shift. Other dog owners recognize her as the neighborhood terror and have been so amazed at how well our "training" has worked. (*wink*) She snarled a little the first day (she is rather nervous because she's so small), but then she started playing so sweetly with all the dogs we meet at the park, large and small! She is so proud! She keeps coming back to me, looking so pleased with herself!"
Elizabeth S., Los Altos, CA
"When I first asked you about Pongo, he was really failing, probably dying, losing weight, losing his zest for life, and had been diagnosed with diabetes, a bladder infection, and some sort of intestinal mal-absorption issue that hadn’t been sorted out yet. A few weeks later, after working with you and your friend Susan Loy, Pongo has made a remarkable turnaround. He’s an old cat – 14 or 15 years old, but he is once again frisky, enjoying life, playing energetically with his feline fellows in my house, and best of all, there is no sign of diabetes or any other malady whatsoever."
Liz T., NY, NY
“I just looked at Carlito's eye again this morning and he is 90% back already and it has been only 1 week since he was in so much pain with his eye, could hardly see and he was leaving and giving up… I am so thankful to you Susan... and to SPIRIT. Also thank you for the healing and clearing with my horse Regalo and me. Regalo would act up about 40 into a ride and act like he did not want me on his back…I knew something was really weirdly off and I needed help.. The results were shocking! 3 days after his clearing Regalo and I took a ride alone..........it was 100% harmony and relaxed and so so lovely. "
Trish S., El Prado, N.M.
“As for a 11 year old Himalayan, Baptized JR for Jeremiah Rocco. He is a sweet spiritual male cat who was dominated and probably abused by our older cat, Jasmine, all his life. When she died a year ago, he was lost. She always showed him the way. He lost weight, licked himself constantly, had many fur balls, and began to have diarrhea very often. The vet said there was nothing to do but give him a prescribed medication to coat his stomach. I contacted Sharon Loy who did a reading for him. Her work and suggestions along with the Karma cleanse of Susan Carollo have transformed him. It has been just one month; He now only licks himself occasionally, he has gained weight, no more throwing up or diarrhea. He has an occasional fur ball only. He seems happy, content, playful, and becoming very adventurous. He wants now to explore and leave the yard. His coat of fur is beautiful. I highly recommend these two healers for intuitional guidance. Janet, MSW p. s. We began to call him Brave Heart after Sharon's reading, but now call him "Tiger"
Janet G., Cornville, AZ
"To say the work that Susan has done with our dog made the difference between day and night, would be an understatement. The release that Susan's work gave my dog, has changed all of our lives. Our dog went from being aggressive and fear based, to playful and joyous, literally overnight. I realize animals have advantages over us in their ability to just work with the shifts and not get stuck in their heads, but still, this shift has truly reshaped all of our lives."
Erin S., NY, NY